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src/event/quic/ngx_event_quic_connid.c - nginx source code
Functions defined
Macros defined
Source code
- #include <ngx_config.h>
- #include <ngx_core.h>
- #include <ngx_event.h>
- #include <ngx_event_quic_connection.h>
- #if (NGX_QUIC_BPF)
- static ngx_int_t ngx_quic_bpf_attach_id(ngx_connection_t *c, u_char *id);
- #endif
- static ngx_int_t ngx_quic_retire_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c,
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid);
- static ngx_quic_client_id_t *ngx_quic_alloc_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c,
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc);
- static ngx_int_t ngx_quic_send_server_id(ngx_connection_t *c,
- ngx_quic_server_id_t *sid);
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_create_server_id(ngx_connection_t *c, u_char *id)
- {
- if (RAND_bytes(id, NGX_QUIC_SERVER_CID_LEN) != 1) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- #if (NGX_QUIC_BPF)
- if (ngx_quic_bpf_attach_id(c, id) != NGX_OK) {
- ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, c->log, 0,
- "quic bpf failed to generate socket key");
- }
- #endif
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- #if (NGX_QUIC_BPF)
- static ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_bpf_attach_id(ngx_connection_t *c, u_char *id)
- {
- int fd;
- uint64_t cookie;
- socklen_t optlen;
- fd = c->listening->fd;
- optlen = sizeof(cookie);
- if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_COOKIE, &cookie, &optlen) == -1) {
- ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, c->log, ngx_socket_errno,
- "quic getsockopt(SO_COOKIE) failed");
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- ngx_quic_dcid_encode_key(id, cookie);
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- #endif
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_handle_new_connection_id_frame(ngx_connection_t *c,
- ngx_quic_new_conn_id_frame_t *f)
- {
- ngx_str_t id;
- ngx_queue_t *q;
- ngx_quic_frame_t *frame;
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid, *item;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- if (f->seqnum < qc->max_retired_seqnum) {
- frame = ngx_quic_alloc_frame(c);
- if (frame == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- frame->level = ssl_encryption_application;
- frame->u.retire_cid.sequence_number = f->seqnum;
- ngx_quic_queue_frame(qc, frame);
- goto retire;
- }
- cid = NULL;
- for (q = ngx_queue_head(&qc->client_ids);
- q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&qc->client_ids);
- q = ngx_queue_next(q))
- {
- item = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_quic_client_id_t, queue);
- if (item->seqnum == f->seqnum) {
- cid = item;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cid) {
- if (cid->len != f->len
- || ngx_strncmp(cid->id, f->cid, f->len) != 0
- || ngx_strncmp(cid->sr_token, f->srt, NGX_QUIC_SR_TOKEN_LEN) != 0)
- {
- qc->error_reason = "seqnum refers to different connection id/token";
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- } else {
- = f->cid;
- id.len = f->len;
- if (ngx_quic_create_client_id(c, &id, f->seqnum, f->srt) == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- retire:
- if (qc->max_retired_seqnum && f->retire <= qc->max_retired_seqnum) {
- goto done;
- }
- qc->max_retired_seqnum = f->retire;
- q = ngx_queue_head(&qc->client_ids);
- while (q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&qc->client_ids)) {
- cid = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_quic_client_id_t, queue);
- q = ngx_queue_next(q);
- if (cid->seqnum >= f->retire) {
- continue;
- }
- if (ngx_quic_retire_client_id(c, cid) != NGX_OK) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- done:
- if (qc->nclient_ids > qc->tp.active_connection_id_limit) {
- qc->error_reason = "too many connection ids received";
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- static ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_retire_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid)
- {
- ngx_queue_t *q;
- ngx_quic_path_t *path;
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *new_cid;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- if (!cid->used) {
- return ngx_quic_free_client_id(c, cid);
- }
- q = ngx_queue_head(&qc->paths);
- while (q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&qc->paths)) {
- path = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_quic_path_t, queue);
- q = ngx_queue_next(q);
- if (path->cid != cid) {
- continue;
- }
- if (path == qc->path) {
- new_cid = ngx_quic_next_client_id(c);
- if (new_cid == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- qc->path->cid = new_cid;
- new_cid->used = 1;
- return ngx_quic_free_client_id(c, cid);
- }
- return ngx_quic_free_path(c, path);
- }
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- static ngx_quic_client_id_t *
- ngx_quic_alloc_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_quic_connection_t *qc)
- {
- ngx_queue_t *q;
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid;
- if (!ngx_queue_empty(&qc->free_client_ids)) {
- q = ngx_queue_head(&qc->free_client_ids);
- cid = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_quic_client_id_t, queue);
- ngx_queue_remove(&cid->queue);
- ngx_memzero(cid, sizeof(ngx_quic_client_id_t));
- } else {
- cid = ngx_pcalloc(c->pool, sizeof(ngx_quic_client_id_t));
- if (cid == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return cid;
- }
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *
- ngx_quic_create_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_str_t *id,
- uint64_t seqnum, u_char *token)
- {
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- cid = ngx_quic_alloc_client_id(c, qc);
- if (cid == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- cid->seqnum = seqnum;
- cid->len = id->len;
- ngx_memcpy(cid->id, id->data, id->len);
- if (token) {
- ngx_memcpy(cid->sr_token, token, NGX_QUIC_SR_TOKEN_LEN);
- }
- ngx_queue_insert_tail(&qc->client_ids, &cid->queue);
- qc->nclient_ids++;
- if (seqnum > qc->client_seqnum) {
- qc->client_seqnum = seqnum;
- }
- ngx_log_debug5(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0,
- "quic cid seq:%uL received id:%uz:%xV:%*xs",
- cid->seqnum, id->len, id,
- (size_t) NGX_QUIC_SR_TOKEN_LEN, cid->sr_token);
- return cid;
- }
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *
- ngx_quic_next_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c)
- {
- ngx_queue_t *q;
- ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- for (q = ngx_queue_head(&qc->client_ids);
- q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&qc->client_ids);
- q = ngx_queue_next(q))
- {
- cid = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_quic_client_id_t, queue);
- if (!cid->used) {
- return cid;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_handle_retire_connection_id_frame(ngx_connection_t *c,
- ngx_quic_retire_cid_frame_t *f)
- {
- ngx_quic_socket_t *qsock;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- if (f->sequence_number >= qc->server_seqnum) {
- qc->error_reason = "sequence number of id to retire was never issued";
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- qsock = ngx_quic_get_socket(c);
- if (qsock->sid.seqnum == f->sequence_number) {
- qc->error_reason = "sequence number of id to retire refers DCID";
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- qsock = ngx_quic_find_socket(c, f->sequence_number);
- if (qsock == NULL) {
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0,
- "quic socket seq:%uL is retired", qsock->sid.seqnum);
- ngx_quic_close_socket(c, qsock);
- if (ngx_quic_create_sockets(c) != NGX_OK) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_create_sockets(ngx_connection_t *c)
- {
- ngx_uint_t n;
- ngx_quic_socket_t *qsock;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- n = ngx_min(NGX_QUIC_MAX_SERVER_IDS, qc->ctp.active_connection_id_limit);
- ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0,
- "quic create sockets has:%ui max:%ui", qc->nsockets, n);
- while (qc->nsockets < n) {
- qsock = ngx_quic_create_socket(c, qc);
- if (qsock == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- if (ngx_quic_listen(c, qc, qsock) != NGX_OK) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- if (ngx_quic_send_server_id(c, &qsock->sid) != NGX_OK) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- static ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_send_server_id(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_quic_server_id_t *sid)
- {
- ngx_str_t dcid;
- ngx_quic_frame_t *frame;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- dcid.len = sid->len;
- = sid->id;
- frame = ngx_quic_alloc_frame(c);
- if (frame == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- frame->level = ssl_encryption_application;
- frame->u.ncid.seqnum = sid->seqnum;
- frame->u.ncid.retire = 0;
- frame->u.ncid.len = NGX_QUIC_SERVER_CID_LEN;
- ngx_memcpy(frame->u.ncid.cid, sid->id, NGX_QUIC_SERVER_CID_LEN);
- if (ngx_quic_new_sr_token(c, &dcid, qc->conf->sr_token_key,
- frame->
- != NGX_OK)
- {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- ngx_quic_queue_frame(qc, frame);
- return NGX_OK;
- }
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_quic_free_client_id(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_quic_client_id_t *cid)
- {
- ngx_quic_frame_t *frame;
- ngx_quic_connection_t *qc;
- qc = ngx_quic_get_connection(c);
- frame = ngx_quic_alloc_frame(c);
- if (frame == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- frame->level = ssl_encryption_application;
- frame->u.retire_cid.sequence_number = cid->seqnum;
- ngx_quic_queue_frame(qc, frame);
- ngx_queue_remove(&cid->queue);
- ngx_queue_insert_head(&qc->free_client_ids, &cid->queue);
- qc->nclient_ids--;
- return NGX_OK;
- }
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